Community-based holistic health care centres in Chicago


Homelessness, inequality, poverty, violence, and health disparities impact many Chicago neighborhoods. 

Many nonprofit and governmental programs, from community health services to leadership development programs, are tackling these problems through a range of individual approaches.

This project seeks to integrate multiple existing services and organisations using an established holistic care model from the Brazilian NGO, Associação Saúde Criança (ASC).

The ASC approach combines contextual health interventions with a community-based hub approach that networks service providers, improving health and socioeconomic outcomes.

In collaboration with Consortiums for Communities and a collection of local, community-based organisations in the North Lawndale area of Chicago, we are co-designing a community-based holistic care centre and providing an evidence-based assessment of its effectiveness in helping socially vulnerable families in Chicago.

We were pleased to discuss this project at the 2019 Upswell meeting of Independent Sector as we led the session on: Community-based holistic care for Chicago families in need.


This project is a collaboration between:
