Closing Down Pandemic-Aid Networks

We started Pandemic-Aid Networks several years ago when we saw an opportunity to support and strengthen the impacts of a diverse range of community-based pandemic action and advocacy groups. Over the years many of these groups have grown, increasing their capacity to help others but also enabling them to get a seat at the political […]
Discontinued: Long Covid Research Library

Back in 2021, Long COVID was slowly gaining recognition as a potential outcome of going through COVID-19 infection. However, research into the disease was initially slow to start up, and the scientific papers that were published varied greatly in quality. At the same time, patients were struggling to get their symptoms taken seriously, and to […]
Research Update: Recent long covid findings and our clinical trial

The past months have been very busy on the Long Covid research front, both for our research planning as well as Long Covid research in general. Here we’ll walk you though our status and some of the recent findings and their implications. To begin with, we are seeing a large number of research studies being […]
Top 20 papers on Long Covid – Prevalence, range of disease, Long Covid in children, and more

We get a lot of questions as to what is the best scientific evidence that demonstrates various aspects of Long Covid. To facilitate our sharing of this information, we have put together our list of some of the top peer-reviewed scientific publications on Long Covid. We have chosen these papers because we believe that they […]
TLC Sessions Podcast interviews the Research-Aid Networks team

On April 14, the Research-Aid Networks team published a hypothesis paper in Frontiers in Immunology that could potentially explain many of Long Covid’s widely varying symptoms. In early July, Dr. Jeremy Rossman and Vicky van der Togt were interviewed by Noreen Jameel and Emily Kate Stephens from the TLC Sessions Podcast about their work throughout the pandemic, and […]
Long Covid Expert Interview with Gez Medinger: Episode 33 – The Acid-Base Disruption Hypothesis for Long Covid

In early May, the Research-Aid Networks research team was interviewed by Gez Medinger, co-author of the Long Covid handbook and known from his Long Covid expert interview series, about why an acid-base imbalance might be the missing link to understanding what’s causing Long Covid. Watch part 1 of the interview here Watch part 2 of […]
New hypothesis on Long Covid published by Research-Aid Networks

The Research-Aid Networks team has published a hypothesis that could potentially explain many of Long Covid’s widely varying symptoms. The research article describing this hypothesis was published in Frontiers in Immunology on 14 April 2023. A hypothesis summary in english and other languages is available here.
This is The Long Haul, a look at some of the Long Covid stories we have heard

In the last two years, The Long Haul, an online series on Long Covid, has looked into what Long Covid is and what it means for patients and their loved ones to live with it. Through the journeys and experiences of Long Haulers we have heard time and again why acknowledging the long term effects of […]
The Long Haul interviews Long Covid SOS co-founder

The long term consequences of COVID-19 known as Long Covid or post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) has, since 2020, affected millions of lives around the world. And as infections and reinfections continue, that number grows. It’s been at least one year since we have known that SARS-CoV-2 causes not only acute respiratory disease in a […]
Rapid Response to nationwide cohort study: Long covid outcomes at one year after mild SARS-CoV-2 infection

On January 18, 2023, Research-Aid Networks and others sent a rapid response to BMJ regarding the study ‘Long covid outcomes at one year after mild SARS-CoV-2 infection: nationwide cohort study’ published on January 11, 2023. Dear Editor, The recent article by Mizrahi et al. {1} uses a large electronic health record (EHR) dataset to investigate […]