New: Pandemic resources A-Z

We recently launched our brand-new pandemic-focused resources a-z glossary page. On this page you can simply click the first letter of the topic you are looking for resources on, and it’ll show you our top picks on the matter. These resources focus specifically on infectious disease outbreaks and responses.  > Go to the pandemic resources […]

Air Filtration Research Library

We put together a small Zotero library collection of top publications in the field on the topic of air filtration and its effectiveness in filtering pathogens from the air. You can search through the library by clicking the ‘v’ button in the search bar, clicking ‘search all + full-text’ and then you can search all papers at […]

Air filtration – A selection of our best resources

What is the best scientific evidence for the effectiveness of air filtration for filtering pathogens from the air? We have put together our list of some of the top peer-reviewed scientific publications on air filtration. We have chosen these papers because we believe that they are some of the most rigorous and well-designed studies in […]