A Clear Call for Government Action

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The editors of Nature have recently published an excellent and clear discussion of the three things governments around the world need to do in order to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic:

– “Follow the World Health Organization’s advice”. As the WHO Director-General has said, “you can’t fight a virus if you don’t know where it is. That means robust surveillance to find, isolate, test and treat every case, to break the chains of transmission.” Current delay strategies being used by many countries (including the US and the UK) are helpful, but are not enough. We need testing and surveillance, and not just of the seriously ill cases.

– “Publish the evidence and embrace open research”. We need transparency, how are public policy decisions being made and on what evidence. Our policies need to be based on the latest science that can vetted by other experts.

– “International cooperation will save lives”. This is an international crisis and unilateral action is not enough, we need to cooperate, to share data, share strategies and work together to protect lives around the world.

Please see the original article in Nature.